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Richard Wootton, showbiz PR, denies offering former colleagues money to plant stories

Former colleagues say they were allegedly offered thousands of pounds by showbiz PR Richard Wootton to plant stories that suited his clients

Wootton, 40, has denied the allegations

Showbiz PR Richard Wootton has denied allegations that he offered former colleagues thousands of pounds to plant stories that suited his clients.

The allegations, which were first reported by Byline Times, include that Wootton posed as a fictitious online showbiz agent who offered individuals money to write stories that would benefit his clients.

The Guardian also reported tonight that it had talked to multiple individuals working in the media who claimed to have been approached by Wootton with similar offers.

On 2 October, the Metropolitan Police confirmed it was looking into matters connected to a 40-year-old man.

The 40-year-old addressed reports he allegedly offered former colleagues thousands of pounds for positive stories in a statement to the Daily Mail.

Mr. Wootton's remarks come a day after The Byline Times published a number of detailed and serious allegations against him.

Wootton, 40, has denied the allegations, calling them "completely false and defamatory."

In a statement to the Daily Mail, Wootton said: "I have never offered anyone money to write a story, and I have never posed as anyone other than myself."

The allegations against Wootton are serious and, if proven true, could have a significant impact on his career.

The Metropolitan Police is currently investigating the matter, and it is unclear at this stage whether any charges will be brought against Wootton.

However, the allegations have already cast a shadow over Wootton's reputation, and it remains to be seen how he will be able to recover from them.

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